Suncorp Stadium places great importance on providing services and facilities for all patrons.
As part of an ongoing commitment to accessibility, the venue now has a new Changing Places facility available at the venue.
What is Changing Places?
A Changing Places toilet facility allows people with high support needs to participate in all elements of community life, without having to limit their time out due to concerns about being able to access a suitable toilet.
Changing Places enable many people with high support needs to enjoy day-to-day activities that many of us take for granted, such as going to work, school or university, playing in the park, or attending cultural, sporting, or social and family events.
Without Changing Places toilets, many people are unable to fully immerse themselves in the community, not out of choice, but because of a lack of suitable public toilets.
Changing Places toilets are larger than standard accessible toilets which provide people with disability and high support needs access to suitable, safe, and private bathroom facilities.
The Changing Places facility at the venue features a powered height-adjustable adult-sized change table and hoist system, to support patrons with profound disability. This facility will be accessible 24 hours, via a MLAK key, during both events (for ticket patrons) and on non-event day to service the community who require such specialist facility.
Accessing the Facility
To access the facility, patrons and public will need to hold a MLAK key which is only available on request via Changing Places website here.
The location of the room is near Gate E on the Northern end of the venue. There is a door on the outside of the venue for access on non-event days and another door on the inside for access during events for patrons via MLAK key only.
Non-Event Days
24-hour External Access via an MLAK key via the Northern / Caxton Street end of the Stadium
No internal Access
Event Days
External Access is closed from 0000-2359
Internal Access available for patrons during the event who hold an MLAK key via the internal, Level 3 concourse on the Northern/Caxton Street end of the venue
The new Changing Places facility will not only assists fans with high support needs, but also individuals in the local community who might need this facility on non-event day.