Our commitment to the Environment

ASM Global, as the operator of Suncorp Stadium, is committed to managing the Stadium in a sustainable and environmentally responsible way to reduce carbon emissions and to play an active role in supporting and enhancing the local community.

Environmental Values

Environmental Responsibility – to ensure environmental considerations are given equal weight with Workplace Health and Safety.

Energy Conservation – optimise the use of equipment, lighting, and heating / cooling to reduce energy wastage, using energy efficient equipment and appliances where possible.

Water Conservation – to conserve water resources and minimise waste water disposal.

Harm Minimisation – to reduce or eliminate the use of harmful substances and minimise the use of pollutant products and processes.

Waste Minimisation – to reuse and recycle resources where possible to minimise waste to landfill.

Sustainable Purchasing – to ensure that our procurement processes take into account the social, economic and environmental impact that such purchases have on the natural environment, people and communities.

Innovation – to adopt alternative technologies and materials to minimise the impact of our business activities on the environment.

A graphic circle showing the values which make up the environmental values of Suncorp Stadium

Stadium Initiatives

The Stadium has developed and built hydration stations for use during the production of concerts for the refill of reusable water bottles, thereby eliminating single use plastic bottles for water consumption.

The Stadium manages its organic waste stream by diverting from landfill all organic materials generated on site. This includes all kitchen waste, green waste from the field of play and all other waste generated through our landscaping activities.

The Stadium diverts 92% of all of its waste by volume away from landfill. Of this, 75% comprises of co-mingled recycled material in the form of food containers/packaging, PET 1 cups, glass bottles and all aluminium products.

Suncorp Stadium is an active participant in the Containers for Change program.

Working with our hirers the venue promotes the program with proceeds to go to local charity partners.

1.1million litre storage capacity within the stadium for use in field irrigation and stadium wash-down post event.

Sports lights / daily operational lighting – all to be replaced with LED with progressive inclusion of spaces into the Stadium Dyna-Light system to manage power consumption more efficiently.

The Stadium places all Nespresso coffee pods in a recycling box that Nespresso supplies and collects as part as its sustainable recycling programme. The residual coffee is separated and sent to an industrial composting facility while the aluminium is recycled and used to create new products.

Single use plastic cup shift towards Bio-Cup: replacing plastic cups within the Stadium to a compostable material that will be able to be managed through our organic waste stream and not through our co-mingled recycling stream. This will reduce a significant amount or PET from our waste stream

Alternative Energy Sources: Solar / Hydrogen

Water Conservation: Irrigation water recycling – return run-off from irrigation to the water storage tanks

Sustainable Design

Learn more about the sustainable design features of Suncorp Stadium.
The glass window facade at Suncorp Stadium

Energy and Climate

Learn more about the energy and climate policy at Suncorp Stadium.
The roof lights and Stadium lighting at Suncorp Stadium

Waste Minimisation

Learn more about how Suncorp Stadium actively engages in waste minimisation, recycling and waste streams.
An image of native plants in the southern plaza gardens at Suncorp Stadium

Water Conservation

Learn how Suncorp Stadium practices water conservation by adopting water efficiency measures.
The Suncorp Stadium roof from field level

Sustainability Initiatives

Suncorp Stadium engages its suppliers to ensure products meet sustainability objectives and specifications and at the same time, reduces the impact of purchases on the environment.

The Stadium caterer:

  • Sources produce from local growers and producers where possible
  • Purchases organic produce where available and economical
  • Plans menus around seasonality
  • Plans menus with high proportions of fresh fruit and vegetables
  • Maximises “nose to tail” with its meat purchases (using the whole animal)
  • Avoids purchasing seafood products from over-fished or badly managed fisheries
  • Where possible, cooks in large batches outside of peak hour electricity times
  • Sources high energy efficient appliances where purchasing or renting new cooking equipment and drink fridges
  • Ensures refrigeration equipment is located in the coolest part of the kitchen
  • Turns off all fridges when not in use


Sustainable Purchasing

The manufacture, use and disposal of the products we buy contribute to our environmental footprint. We are committed to making smart purchasing decisions and selecting environmentally preferable products whenever feasible. One success is the Stadium’s use of toilet paper and tissues which have been produced from renewable forestry products.

Education & Outreach

As Queensland’s premier sports venue, we have a unique opportunity to raise environmental awareness among our staff and guests. Internally, we educate full and part-time staff through induction and annual refresher training. Topics covered include the facility’s environmental efforts and their role in the program, in particular the effort to reduce energy consumed and increase recycling. In addition, Suncorp Stadium has initiated a Green Team made up of representatives from each department which meets quarterly to identify opportunities and initiatives to lessen the Stadium’s impact on the environment.

We also engage our staff and guests through annual environmental outreach events such as Earth Hour annually, subject to the staging of events, by switching off all non-essential lighting for the nominated hour.