Suncorp Stadium Supports Real and Diverse Theatre

Real and Diverse (RAD) Theatre group on the Suncorp Stadium field.

Suncorp Stadium was the stage last Thursday for the Real and Diverse (RAD) Theatre group to promote their upcoming show Quavers, playing at QPAC later this year.

Quavers is on at QPAC’s Playhouse Theatre from 24-26 October with student tickets starting from just $29 available via

The Stadium is grateful to QPAC and Chief Executive, John Kotzas for their support of the show.

Suncorp Stadium General Manager Alan Graham said watching the RAD Group in concert last year was a lifechanging experience.

I’d encourage everyone to get along to see Quavers and see what an amazing show RAD puts on, it really is hard to put into words the effect these performers have on you” he said.

Created and performed by the highly innovative RAD ensemble with a world-class production team of artists and musicians, Quavers is a Brisbane story that brings haunting joy, exquisite live music and unforeseen celebratory quick beats to the world.

RAD theatre group is a special part of Centacare’s social and life skills offering which supports people with disabilities to meet new people, learn new skills and build confidence in the areas that matter to them most and are one of the beneficiaries of this year’s Annual Golf Day.

It was a big day for the RAD ensemble who stopped by the Stadium after having their first look at where they will perform in the Playhouse Theatre stage at QPAC in October.

Mr Graham said “It was great to have the group in to compare our stage with QPAC.”

What's Coming Up at Suncorp Stadium