We are dedicated to providing all patrons at Suncorp Stadium an environment free of anti-social behavior.

Members are reminded of their responsibilities set out in the Membership Terms & Conditions with regards to behavioural standards and the use of their Membership, including when their guests utilise transferable tickets or Guest Passes.

Should you witness any behaviour that does not meet expectation, we ask that you assist us by reporting the matter immediately via text to our SunSecure SMS line on 0438 717 807.

Some examples of unacceptable conduct are:

  • Racial, abusive or profane language
  • Unduly intoxicated or disorderly
  • Smoking or Vaping
  • Sitting in seats not allocated to the patron (incorrect seating)

The anonymous SunSecure SMS reporting allows you to send our team information discretely.  Depending on the details of the issue there are several ways we can take action which may include but are not limited to:

  • Privately radioing aisle usher staff to alert them of the issue and request observation or intervention
  • Send an area supervisor to check the Tickets of the patrons in question
  • Observe behaviour via High-Definition CCTV
  • Immediately attend with Security and a Grandstand Manager
  • Pass information on to Queensland Police Service for their urgent review

While our staff attempt to monitor Members areas constantly, we appreciate any additional assistance rendered by Members. Dealing with any issue that may arise at the event allows us to act in a timely manner, and if needs be remove patrons from the venue. Further to this, should this extreme action be required we can also identify the seat owner (Member) and take the matter up.

Ask our team a question

Can't find an answer?

Reach out to our Members team now and we will get in touch.

Internal view of Suncorp Stadium's Emerald Lounge during an event.