Members ticketing is fully transferable, this means you can share your seats via the Members Portal for each event.
2025 Member Events continue to populate as the year progresses – our team will communicate as further matches go live.
IMPORTANT if you choose to access and share digital tickets, this will cancel your Membership Card barcodes for the event chosen.
Access to transfer Digital Ticketing for an event closes 15 minutes before gates open for regular events and 60 minutes prior to gates open for Brisbane Roar events. The closure times are reiterated in the Members portal within each event, we also send reminders via our Event Information emails.
Should you require access after the deadline you can contact our team via or on 07 3331 5050.
Login to the Members Portal then click on the Digital Tickets tab.

The next page will show a – – Select Event – – drop down, click to choose the match you would like to manage digital tickets for.

Once you have selected an event, your seats for this match will appear in the Tickets available to send section as per the below example:

You can share seats in any combination, but please note you can only transfer to one guest at a time.
For example, using the above 2 Seat allocation, you could choose to send seat 27 to one guest - select the box next to the seat on the left and then click SEND TICKET/S – a Recipient Details section will then appear as below:

Add the recipient details to the form and click on COMPLETE TICKET/S TRANSFER.
You may also choose to share all seats together in one transfer or each seat separately in two separate transfers depending on your requirements for that match.
Once transferred, the portal will move the seat to the Sent Tickets section - tracking the recipient and transfer date as per below.

Should you need to resend the ticket to the same recipient, you can select the seat by checking the box in the Sent tickets section and then clicking RESEND TICKET/S. This will re-issue the same ticket with the same barcode to the same recipient. This is handy if your recipient is unable to locate the email previously sent from the system.

Should you have a change in circumstance and require the previously transferred ticket to be cancelled, you should check the box next to the specific seat and then click CANCEL TICKET/S. Please note, this cancels the barcode of the previously sent tickets – these will now scan at the gates as CANCELLED. You will be prompted to confirm you are happy to proceed with this action.

Once the cancellation processes is complete, the seat will then re-appear in the Tickets available to send section and your Membership Card is reactivated for that seat.

For a walkthrough on how to purchase Guest Passes, click here.