Brisbane Roar, in collaboration with Suncorp Stadium, have developed a sustainable operating model for match days at the venue. As a result, the Eastern and Southern Grandstands on Level 3 will be closed.
To provide the best possible facilities for you in this configuration, all Stadium Members will be relocated to best available seating in the Eastern Grandstand on Level 5 adjacent to the Emerald Lounge. This will provide all Stadium Members with Premium seating, along with access to the Emerald Lounge facilities including the Members Restaurant & Bars.
The Members Gate C Concierge Desk will be open for these events to assist any Members and Guests.
Accessing Digital Tickets for Roar Events
Login to the Members Portal and click on the Digital Tickets tab.
The next page will show a – – Select Event – – drop down, click to choose the match you would like to Access Digital Tickets for, you will also be able to use Complimentary Guest Pass tokens or purchase Guest Passes.
Once you have selected a Brisbane Roar event, you will note within this event that a message appears where your reserved seats would usually appear – There is no Members seat/ticket available for this event – that is because all Stadium Members are accessing best available seats and not their regular seating for Brisbane Roar events.
To access best available seats, click on the ACCESS GUEST PASSES button in the bottom right corner of the Digital Ticketing screen.
You will note on the next screen you have Bonus Tokens in your bank. These tokens are in replacement of your regular seats – so if you have 2 Membership seats, you will see 2 Bonus Tokens for each Brisbane Roar event.
In the Token Guest Ticket area, you can use your Bonus Tokens (your regular seat replacement) plus your complimentary Guest Tokens. Further to this, you can also purchase additional Guest Passes in the same transaction. Once you have selected the Qty, click NEXT.
You will then see the mapping area; you can select one of the available sections which has a blue box around it. Once you select the section, click NEXT.
You will now be able to select Available seats on that sections map. Once selected the seats will highlight blue then click NEXT.
On the final Payment step, if you have used your Bonus Tokens (in replacement of your regular seats) or Guest Tokens (Complimentary), no payment will be required, and you can finalise by clicking SUBMIT. If you have purchased additional Guest Passes, an area to select Credit Card or Invoice payment will appear, complete the payment selection process and click SUBMIT.
Whether payment was required, or you used tokens the final screen will present the above confirmation. You can then select SEND TICKETS to access the digital ticketing.
Tickets will be in your Members Portal for the upcoming event and can be shared via email to yourself or a guest.
Should you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact our team via or 07 3331 5050.
Yes, please follow the instructions above to access Digital Ticketing for the Brisbane Roar events, you will be able to access the following:
- Best Available seats in replacement of your regular Members Seats usingBonus Tokens
- You will also still have 1 ComplimentaryGuest Tokenfor each seat you hold; and
- The ability to purchase additionalGuest Passesfor $35 each.